お勧めの和書, その他のメディア, エコツーリズム, 紹介していただいたメディア
東京書籍「Power On Communication English Ⅲ」
東京書籍の高校生向けの教科書「Power On Communication English Ⅲ」平成27年度 新刊のLesson 3は、Ecotourism: What to Do and Where to Go。 題材内容は、従来の旅行と比較しながら、ハワイのガイドの例を通してエコツアーについて学ぶというもので、そこで私の活動を例として取り上げてくださいました。
The text reads as follows:
“There they can seed native birds like Hawaiian honeycreepers.
Once the participants see the birds with binoculars, they will
certainly become fascinated with these cute and beautiful
birds indigenous to Hawaii. On her ecotour, tourists not only
enjoy bird-watching but also learn about Hawaiian indigenous
Please note that the word “indigenous” should be replaced with “endemic”.
“Native” means occuring naturally in an area.
“Endemic” means native to a relatively small geographic area
and found nowhere else.
“Indigenous” means native to a larger geographic region.
An ancestral finch has evolved into to more than 50 species
of Hawaiian honeycreepers by filling a large number of
ecological niches (Adaptive radiation) They are found only
in Hawaiian Islands. They are, therefore, “endemic” species.